Welcome to my memory buffer sam:~$ [Access Granted]
Hello World!
I am Sam (Shum Chu Sammy),
currently a final year undergraduate engineering student, studying in Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
During my academic career, i was given different awards in 3 consecutive years:
In 2016, the Second Award in 2016 Nuvoton MCU Creative Design Contest,
In 2017, the First runner up in ABU Robocon 2017 Hong Kong,
In 2018, the Best engineering award and Best design award in ABU Robocon 2018 Hong Kong.
More about Sam: - A hybrid of Engineer & Programmer
- Experienced in many fields, from Deep Learning to Robotics
- Wrote a lot of programs, built a lot of robots that may or may not be pratical in reality
- Enjoy exploring cutting-edge and interesting tech
- Reglious follower of opensource projects like ROS, OpenCV, TensorFlow, Keras
- Love to scanvage treasure from random Github respositories and all sort of weird places
This is where i store & log my previous works!